Although the chanter has healing skills, those are not as powerful as the cleric's healing skills, so when the party members receive high damage, a chanter isn't enough. They can heal but not as well as a cleric.
Positive Attributes
A chanter is a powerful character because it can fight in party but also solo. They also have a high benefit from their skills: he can buff and heal himself and others too, that's why a chanter is wanted in partys aswell as a cleric.
They have moderate sustained DPS if we has staves as their primary weapon, but lack at crowd control skills.
They can be a buffer/healer towards a party but also a secondary tanker when it has the shield equipped. He can heal himself but also the others nearby and because the chanter wears chain armor the defense rate is increased and the character's resistance is much higher.
Negative Attributes
You must be careful with mana consumption because the amount of MP is not that high as cleric's or mage's. Also, chanter's attack skills are melee, this fact meaning that this character doesn't has long shot skills. After achieving a higher level, the importance of melee skills will increase because the attack speed will increase too, and the chanter will give damage to monsters much faster in a short amount of time. The leveling rate for the chanter is moderate. You will level up faster than clerics but slower than sorcerers and spiritmasters.
Though the chanter can serve as a mini-tanker/buffer/healer, these are not the only positive things about this character. This class has Area Skills, also known as Mantras which enabl them to buff himself and in the same time the others around him. This leads to a better synchronization, a faster buffing and also reduces mana consumption. You can have up to 3 mantras an one time.
This particular character is a good class but it has difficulties in defeating a mage of any kind of DPS (Damage Per Second) char because he receives great damage and he has to heal himself to avoid dying but it doesn't have enough time to give damage to the opponent.
A good chanter will use stun skills when fighting player versus player and also will know when to knock down the enemy to gain a little amount of time.