Finally I came across a working aion bot. Ive seen some really positive feedback from It. Its origionally a chinese bot but Its been translatated. Ive found It very useful and figured you might too!
I would also like to point out that the bot is free to view! You dont actually have to subscribe to anything on the site.
I found the bot at Gamexploits under the Gamexploits Bots section.
Posted by justfairy at 15:39
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Is there no standalone bot, like L2Walker used to be in Lineage II?
I mean a bot, which doesn't need the client to be started which is just a simple tool you run and which logs in and emulates the client? Bot's which require to have the game started aren't so good. They require huge amounts of memory and CPU resources, especially if you want to have a healer/buffer running behind you who buffs and heals you all the time while you play your other character (standalone bots also allow you to run multiple (5-10) bots on one PC which the other ones doesnt.
For such a standalone bot i'd even like to pay a 30-40$ onetime fee (if they keep maintained for the upcomming updates of course)
Right now there isnt anything like that but there are creators working on it
Cool. Any information on it? Developer website or so where we can follow the news?
Because that's the only interesting bot for me, so i can have a healer/buffer/supporter running behind me while controlling my character myself
You can watch Gamexploits news. I recently updated the links to the old & new bots. There was a patch recently in aion and some people had difficulty using the old bot.
As soon as anything new comes out I will post news on it :)
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